Hosea has been called "the prophet of the broken Home" He was a contemporary of Amos and Isaiah. We don't have much information about his background, or birthplace, but we do know that he prophesied during a period of considerable material and political prosperity, a time when the spiritual condition of the people was deplorably low and corruption was widespread. The greater part of the book is concerned with the moral and spiritual corruption of the people upon whom the earlier words of Amos had no affect. In the first three chapters of this book Hosea outlines the tragedy of his own home life, and then from chapter 4 he speaks about the tragedy of his homeland. I want to look at v17 "Ephraim has his idols let him alone."
Hosea had the experience of a terrible home life and an unfaithful wife. He was commanded by God to marry a woman called "Gomer", who after bearing him a son turned to prostitution and then bore two other children. The one "Lo-Ruhamah" meaning, "not shown mercy" or "Not beloved". The second was called "Loammi" meaning "Not my People" or "No child of mine".
Both the children were disowned by Hosea. Even when Gomar forsook Hosea to play the harlot, his love followed her until he found her dishonoured, deserted, and it would seem in slavery. In chapter 3 he purchased her, but refused to restore her fully until a time of chastening had passed.
The whole sad story of domestic tragedy and heartache taught Hosea that the unfaithfulness of his wife could be likened to the unfaithfulness of Israel whose sins were as adultery and harlotry in the sight of God. Israel had joined fast to idols, she had turned from God and would pay the price.
Look at the prophetic statement in Chapter 3v4 Hosea writes just before the captivity, and since then she has not had a King on the throne. When Jesus came it was said that "the Lord shall give unto him the throne of His father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever." The people cried "We don't want Him, His blood be on us and on our children"
But we know that there will be a King to sit on David's throne, The King is coming.
Hosea's pleading and patience with the wife who broke his heart was a parable of God's love and longing for Israel that she might come back, but Israel didn't want to know because she was joined to her idols. The sins of the nation spoken of in Hosea are many, Swearing, Lying, Stealing, adultery, drunkenness, idolatry, backsliding, pride, insincerity, forgetfulness, ingratitude, love of sin.
God's love towards them was unchanging in that He was trying to woo them back to Himself.
For us to-day Jesus stands with outstretched arms crying, "Come unto me and I will give you rest." Think of the pleading of the Saviour with this people as he stands and weeps over them, "How of would I have gathered thee- I would but ye would not." The reason they wouldn't come was because they had joined themselves to idols, and the reason some have never come to Christ is because they have joined themselves to idols. It could be drink, immorality, swearing, lying etc. Whatever that idol might be there is one thing which is sure, "Your stuck to that idol and you wont let it go.
Let him alone, let him have his idols, leave him with his idols, don't disturb him anymore, show him the light of the gospel anymore, let him bear the consequences of his idols and idolatry, let him go to hell with his idols.
A missionary noticed in his congregation a native clutching tightly in his hand an image of his idol. As the speaker presented the gospel, the hand gradually relaxed, until with a soft thud the idol struck the floor. Would to God that there would be a letting go of our idols to-day.
Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole, I want thee forever to live in my soul, break down every idol, cast out every foe, Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
Email Pastor Jackie Hughes here.